
United States

Most standard shipments are sent through USPS Ground Advantage. The exact service depends on the size and weight of your order. Orders will ship from California.

Packages usually reach their destination in 4-5 business days but can occasionally take longer. Orders placed after 10am Pacific Time may require +1 day to process. 


International shipments are sent to most locations via FedEx International Priority. We do this to ensure the best possible shipping experience.

Orders typically take 5-7 business days to reach international destinations, but FedEx can sometimes have unexpected delays, resulting in up to 2 weeks for some destinations. Orders may also require up to +1 day to process, depending on your timezone.

VAT & Duties

Some countries outside of the U.S. may impose additional taxes and/or duties, such as VAT, to import an order. The taxes and/or duties related to an order are the responsibility of the customer.